hey anybody,
I've never written a blog in my life, but lately I've been doing a lot of things I have never done before. So I said FUCK IT. I'm gonna start. Cause really, what else am I gonna do.
About a month ago, I broke my leg up at WMU where i was going before i did this shit. So now I'm back in good old Brighton Michigan living in my brother Alex's room. He is sleeping on a couch in our basement cause i can't take the stairs on my crutches. So thanks Al.
So I'm on crutches until somewhere in early January, which sucks a sac cause i can't do shit on these things. I have been trying to get out of the house more but it's hard when you can't drive cause you are on med's and can only depend on really one person to save you from this jail cell. She knows who she is.
I'm trying to fill my time with as many creative and intelligent things as possible, such as taking pictures, playing acoustic guitar and reading. It gets hard when all you have to work with is someone else's room though. My mom bought me ten box's of cereal to feast on and a ton of people have sent me junk food and shit to scarf down which is badass. Thanks everyone.
Ok, well I'm done for now. I'll be back tomorrow with another update on all the things I'm not doing and a bunch of whining about my situation. Oh yeah, if anybody has any good costume ideas for a kid on crutches let me know, cause i still haven't picked anything, and god knows I'm not letting all those little fucking kids get all the candy...
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