Thursday, October 30, 2008

extra bored+lurking=fun had by all

So I was looking through my ex-band member Richard head's live journal today (which by the way i encourage you all to go and visit for some highly entertaining and educating reading material []),  and came across a post from Aug. of 07, in which my buddy rich had visited a site called

I was intrigued by his celebrity look-alikes and decided it was time to face the facts and see who i most resemble in the hollywood world. So i took a couple snapshots of myself and waited as the site generated my look-alikes. Unfortunately I had no idea who any of the celebrities were.  

So i thought it must be the photo and decided i will take one without smiling.  Once again I had no idea who any of my celebrity look-alikes were.  By now I was just fed up with this whole process and picked one of my more ridiculous pictures to use.  FINALLY!  The results i was looking for! As you can see these were spot on.  I mean who wouldn't be proud to look like these A-listers!

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