Saturday, November 29, 2008


Well I'm 21 now and it's pretty much the same except I can go waste my money on beer in smelly crowded bars and rent a hotel room. Woohoo! My birthday just happened to land on my favorite holiday this year, Thanksgiving, which was an awesome birthday present! I had some pre game celebration Thanksgiving eve with my mom and chels. We went up to the bar at midnight and i drank my first legal beer with my mom and girlfriend which was cool.

Thanksgiving day we ate dinner with my family and then headed over  the Emery household for the real party. The night consisted of multiple shots of patron, beer, wine, apples to apples, scattagories and more food! It was an awesome two day birthday celebration and i enjoyed my all day nap the day after thanksgiving.


Currently working on some covers i want to record and put up on youtube. here's the list:

The Spill Canvas-This is for keeps

Elliot Smith-Baby britain

Built To Spill-the weather

The Hush Sound-Where we went wrong

Say Anything-I want to know your plans

So keep an eye out, don't know when I'll get around to it but i really want to.

Friday, November 14, 2008

free time

It's so weird for me to think about how it must feel to walk. I think about it constantly and dream about it almost every night.  I haven't walked in a little over a month and it's gonna sound horribly cliche but it's definitely an eye-opener.  I look at someone who is doomed to wheel around in a wheelchair or use a walker for the rest of their life, and I can't help but look at my life and realize how fucking lucky I am.  Yeah it's hard to be stuck in a room 24/7 watching your body deteriorate right in front of you and going semi-stir crazy simultaneously, but It's nothing compared to what some people in this world go through. 

So I've decided to not bitch about my situation and just get through it. If you hear me complaining just knock me upside the old coconut and say "Hey pussy...shut your face hole and suck it up, cause it could be ALOT worse."  

In other news, I have this awesome person in my life who I have yet to brag about.  Now I'm not one to throw my personal life out there but I can't help but be stoked about this girl.  Over half of our relationship I've been on crutches, and she's been so great about doing everything from the biggest to the smallest stuff without question.  She is the most unexpected present I have received in the last year and I am so glad to know her and I'm able to share everything with her.  She doesn't want to change me, she just wants to be with me, and I don't think i could ask for more.  

So thanks for putting up with me over the last month and I swear I will make it up to you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

fox news

So I was watching t.v. and all of a sudden my cable went out and the only channel I can get is fox news...Conspiracy?

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well Halloween was awesome!  I got to be a flesh eating handicap zombie and walk around with my trusty sexy samurai at my side!  As you can see my mom got in the spirit and dressed up as a Mexican.  A little too convincing if you ask me, but she did a great job!  

No candy unfortunately.  We didn't get done getting ready until about eight, and by then all the houses were dark and kids were inside sorting their goodies into separate piles by color, flavor etc. 

So we hit Micky D's to show off our sweet costumes to my brother who was working and were greeted with a lot of funny looks and snickers (Not the candy kind sadly).  We continued on to Jimmy John's and met up with the Matt's to sit and eat sandwich's and Halloween cup cakes thanks to miss Lara! Thanks again!

Next we went to borders where we were found even more funny looks and glares from staff and costumers.  We sat around reading magazines and Chelsea showed me the infamous Scary Stories book that had all three Scary Stories books inside. I read one and had to put it down before I wet my wheelchair!

After borders we hit up Chelsea's mom's pub where we met up with her parents and shot the shit for about ten minutes before heading to her house where I decided I couldn't take the itchiness of the face paint and reluctantly washed my face before we head off the the rice boys house where we were for the rest of the night. 

All in all it was a great night, except for forgetting my phone and not realizing it until entering my driveway and having to drive all the way back to the Rice's house.  My bed was a welcome sight and i slept like a little handicap baby! Hope everybody had a Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

extra bored+lurking=fun had by all

So I was looking through my ex-band member Richard head's live journal today (which by the way i encourage you all to go and visit for some highly entertaining and educating reading material []),  and came across a post from Aug. of 07, in which my buddy rich had visited a site called

I was intrigued by his celebrity look-alikes and decided it was time to face the facts and see who i most resemble in the hollywood world. So i took a couple snapshots of myself and waited as the site generated my look-alikes. Unfortunately I had no idea who any of the celebrities were.  

So i thought it must be the photo and decided i will take one without smiling.  Once again I had no idea who any of my celebrity look-alikes were.  By now I was just fed up with this whole process and picked one of my more ridiculous pictures to use.  FINALLY!  The results i was looking for! As you can see these were spot on.  I mean who wouldn't be proud to look like these A-listers!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

bed time

Sometimes it's just nice to do nothing at all...

fuck best buy!

So i woke up super fucking early today to go pick up my Forgive Durden CD which was supposed to come out today!  I get there with my five dollar off coupon in hand overly ecstatic to have this masterpiece in my hands, and the goddamn CD was no where to be found!  So I asked the retards who work there if they could tell me when they would have it in and of courseI got the, I have no idea guy who had all the polite questions, "can I help you find anything?", but none of the answers I wanted.

Needless to say, i was in a horrible mood for a couple hours until my mom made some toquitos to calm me down.  Now I just have to sit and wait until it the bastard store gets my CD in.  
Not much else to talk about except for i saw my little brother call my mom a bitch today.  I wanted to throw him through a wall but in my current condition, he would just laugh his ass off at me chasing him on crutches. So i ended up just yelling from my bed, "Watch your fucking mouth!"  I don't know how effective it was cause they kept screaming at each other. 

I remember calling my mom a bitch to her face.  It only happened once because i thought she was going to rip my throat out.  Once i saw her face, i ran.  So when my brother did it, i was surprised at the lack of fear in my brothers eyes. Either my mom's slacking in her parental abilities or i was just a pussy when i was his age.  Probably the later.

I'm out

- Skills

Monday, October 27, 2008

take it easy

hey anybody,

I've never written a blog in my life, but lately I've been doing a lot of things I have never done before. So I said FUCK IT. I'm gonna start.  Cause really, what else am I gonna do. 
About a month ago, I broke my leg up at WMU where i was going before i did this shit.  So now I'm back in good old Brighton Michigan living in my brother Alex's room. He is sleeping on a couch in our basement cause i can't take the stairs on my crutches.  So thanks Al.  

So I'm on crutches until somewhere in early January, which sucks a sac cause i can't do shit on these things. I have been trying to get out of the house more but it's hard when you can't drive cause you are on med's and can only depend on really one person to save you from this jail cell. She knows who she is.

I'm trying to fill my time with as many creative and intelligent things as possible, such as taking pictures, playing acoustic guitar and reading.  It gets hard when all you have to work with is someone else's room though.  My mom bought me ten box's of cereal to feast on and a ton of people have sent me junk food and shit to scarf down which is badass. Thanks everyone.  

Ok, well I'm done for now.  I'll be back tomorrow with another update on all the things I'm not doing and a bunch of whining about my situation. Oh yeah, if anybody has any good costume ideas for a kid on crutches let me know, cause i still haven't picked anything, and god knows I'm not letting all those little fucking kids get all the candy...